Affiliate Membership (1 Year)
One year (starting from date purchased) of membership to the Music Therapy Association of Washington. Affiliate membership is open to others, not including music therapists, who support the Association. Affiliate membership shall provide the privilege of participation in activities of the Association and to receive any publications of the Association but does not include the right to vote or hold office.
One year (starting from date purchased) of membership to the Music Therapy Association of Washington. Affiliate membership is open to others, not including music therapists, who support the Association. Affiliate membership shall provide the privilege of participation in activities of the Association and to receive any publications of the Association but does not include the right to vote or hold office.
One year (starting from date purchased) of membership to the Music Therapy Association of Washington. Affiliate membership is open to others, not including music therapists, who support the Association. Affiliate membership shall provide the privilege of participation in activities of the Association and to receive any publications of the Association but does not include the right to vote or hold office.